You are our objective.

At Heritage Fiduciary, we understand that people may need professional assistance to successfully navigate life’s challenges. Our team of dedicated professionals specializes in settling and administering trusts and assets after the passing of a grantor. We are committed to delivering transparent, efficient, and client-centric solutions.

You can expect: 

  • Comprehensive expertise
    Our team possess a deep understanding of fiduciary law, estate planning, and trust administration to facilitate a seamless, transparent, and legally-compliant trust settlement.
  • Client-Centered Services
    We prioritize our clients’ interests and tailor our services to advise solutions that align with their values and aspirations.
  • Confidentiality
    We uphold the highest standards of confidentiality, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure and protected.
  • Efficiency and Transparency
    We maintain consistent, transparent communication with our clients through every step of trust settlements and administration processes. 


Elizabeth "Libby" Crom

A word from our founder...

When I first opened Heritage Fiduciary & Asset Management, LLC it was not just a venture; it was a dream. Over the years, I poured my passion, dedication and hard work into building a professional fiduciary business that I am immensely proud of. What set this business apart was more than the services I offered, but the relationships I forged with my clients and my resources. Now, I am passing the torch to Heritage Fiduciary Services & Estate Management, LLC (aka Heritage Fiduciary & Asset Management, LLC) and I am confident that they will honor and build upon the foundations laid before them, fostering even stronger connections. 

~ Elizabeth “Libby” Crom
The Founder